AMD 6th Generation Processor Brings Best-in-Class Game Streaming to Windows™ 10

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AMD 6th Generation Processor Brings Best-in-Class Game Streaming to Windows™ 10

Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows 10, offers gamers new opportunities to stream games and content from their Xbox One to their PCs. This functionality is unique to Windows 10 and requires a certain set of parameters to be met. One of these parameters is ample PC hardware to perform the appropriate decoding for a smooth, high- quality game streaming experience. AMD’s newest 6 notebooks—codenamed Carrizo and launched in June 2015—features a special video decoder capable of decoding HD video such as Xbox One game streams efficiently, smoothly, and with very high quality. This report looks at how AMD’s 6 Processor notebooks are positioned to fulfill the needs of an Xbox One gamer streaming games to a PC.

Table of Contents

Summary The Prevalence of Game Streaming Today Microsoft’s Xbox One Streaming to Windows 10 Xbox One’s Architectural Similarities to AMD’s 6th Generation Processors Carrizo’s Design is Optimized for Streaming & Battery Life AMD’s 6th Generation Processor is Designed for Gaming Call to Action

You can download the paper here.


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